Triptych of Diana, Asiatic Lunar Mother, African Sun
Goddess and Earth/Underworld Crone (oil, 2000)
Here is my freestyle/more recent interpretation of the Dea Matris in which the Moon Mother is Diana/Artemis of the Amazons. The Sun Goddess or Solar Mother is African and the Crone dwells inside West Kennet Longbarrow on Wiltshire plain in the south of England. I repeated the image of the predynastic Egyptian Bird Goddess with outstretched arms in each image and for this I used a stencil that I had cut for making graffiti on Bristol pavements and walls, a bit of urban direct action as some of us in our women’s spirituality and politics group attempted to lay a brief spell on the city. We also wrote the words “The Goddess returns, protect the Earth”.
I would like to see this Triptych in a Goddess shrine and I would like to see “God giving Birth” adorning the altar in a great Church instead of the, to me, obscene image of a dead man hanging on a cross.